All India Coordinated Research Project on Farm Implements and Machinery
About Project
Mandate and Objectives
About Project
The FIM center at Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola is started on February 01,1997. Under this FIM center prototype feasibility testing, front line demonstration activities are undertaken. Prototype feasibility testing of nine implements and Front line demonstration of eleven implements developed by different centres of FIM were carried out by the centre.
Mandate and Objectives
- To identify the mechanization gaps and future needs of improved farm tools and equipment for different agro-climatic regions, crops and operations, and conduct prototype feasibility testing, frontline demonstration
- AICRP on FIM, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola centre is mainly working on Prototype Feasibility Testing and Front Line Demonstration activities.
Tab Content
Senior Scientist
All India Coordinated Research Project on Farm Implements and Machinery
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Dr. PDKV, Akola. 444 104.
Technology Melas

Prototype Feasibility Testing

Front Line Demonstration